News & Articles
At empowering people. Network, we aim to keep you up-to-date and informed with useful and important information related to our network. Here, you can access news/updates (including our epUpdate newsletter), event information, press releases, publications, and articles/blog posts.
Study: Leveraging a decentralized entrepreneurial approach to safe water supply in Kenya
This comprehensive study, authored by Siemens Stiftung, looks at water kiosks and their impact in rural Kenya, and the role of social enterprises in providing access to safe drinking water. Unfortunately, access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene doesn’t exist… Read more-
Welcome back onsite: Collaborating in-person at our workshop in Nairobi
Making the perfect pitch, building valuable connections, and identifying drivers of organizational culture – these were the key issues brought… -
Siemens Stiftung Opens Call for R&D in E-Mobility
Siemens Stiftung opens a new call for research and development (R&D) to validate and implement products and business models in… -
aQysta brings growth to smallholder farmers with new business model
Smallholder farmers worldwide are some of the most hard-working entrepreneurs around. Yet, many have and continue to struggle with basic… -
Bridging the learning gap through digital STEM education using social entrepreneurial solution
Siemens Stiftung and BLUETOWN, a member of empowering people. Network launch the AccessSTEM project to enable access to high-quality open… -
How Whave, a Ugandan-based social enterprise, is making it possible for all rural families to have safe water daily
In Uganda, more than one third of rural water-points are non-functional for prolonged periods, and another third are not adequately… -
eMobility in Ghana – sustainable systems for a nation in need
Ghana’s transport sector is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, both significant contributors to climate change… -
Gender Equality
Toward green economy with climate and gender equality: 3 Kenyan social enterprises pave the way
The transition toward a green economy is deemed to be skewed if gender imbalance in economic participation still looms large.… -
epUpdate Newsletter
epUpdate June 2022
In our June empowering people. Update, we celebrate some of our longstanding epN members. Award ceremonies and anniversaries highlight their… -
epUpdate Newsletter
epUpdate May 2022
In our May empowering people. Update, we feature our latest blog post explaining why menstrual education needs to be highlighted…