Siemens Stiftung Opens Call for R&D in E-Mobility
Siemens Stiftung opens a new call for research and development (R&D) to validate and implement products and business models in the e-mobility sector. The call is open to enterprises working in the e-mobility value chain in Ghana and Uganda, focused on testing and piloting sustainable transport.
The call is now open, and applications will be accepted until August 30, 2024, or until suitable candidates are contracted. The foundation is seeking 3 – 5 enterprises operative in the battery, charging/swapping, or electric vehicle and technology value chain. The candidates will support Siemens Stiftung’s E-Mobility program in conducting a marked-based R&D project.
Mobility is fundamental for sustainable, economic, and societal development. The exciting solutions that come out of this R&D project will pave the way for new market-ready technologies. By encouraging women-led enterprises, the aim is to make e-mobility inclusive, empowering, and equitable.
Sustainable Development Goals on Climate Action, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and Decent Work and Economic Growth are all possible thanks to enterprises dedicated to developing and commercializing e-mobility.