This report takes a comprehensive look at safe water kiosks and their impact in rural Kenya, and the role social enterprises play in providing access to a safe water supply.
empowering people. Network offers publications and services on all aspects of our work. These publications can be downloaded and used free of charge.
Social Enterprises as Job Creators in Africa
The study looked a job creating as well as job inhibiting factors for Social Enterprises based on different country contexts, in addition to demographic perspectives related to the African job market.
e-Mobility Solutions
Siemens Stiftung’s reader “E-mobility Solutions for Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: Leveraging Economic, Social and Environmental Change” collates the greatest challenges and opportunities for electromobility in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Finance and Digitization
The report “How Digital Solutions May Enhance Social Financing” offers in-depth analyses and expert opinions on the current financing situation for social enterprises and possible digital solutions.
Innovative Financing
In a Round Table that took place in Cairo in July 2019, two recurrent themes cut across the experts that discussed specific questions: partly automated data generation systems as well as matchmaking by pooling different sources of capital.
Stories About Us – Developing your own social enterprise story
Stories are things that people know, love, and remember. The project “Stories about us” wants to increase the impact of capacity building programs through storytelling. The workbook just now published provides a basis for social entrepreneurs.
epAward Winners 2019
Following empowering people. Award 2019, we published this comprehensive booklet introducing all of the winners of the award explaining their inventions in detail. Enjoy this inspiring read.
Aguajira: the practice of co-design for technology transfer
Aguajira: The Practice of Co-design for Technology Transfer, is a case study illustrating how participatory design can be used to catalyze technology transfer across underserved communities and contribute to a transfer’s long-term outcomes. MIT D-Lab and Siemens Stiftung co-developed this case study to share insights from the 2017 MIT Practical Impact Alliance (PIA) working group on the challenges of technology transfer.
empowering people. Network Evaluation - Executive Summary
To learn more about the impact of our work and to further develop our approach, Siemens Stiftung initiated a comprehensive independent evaluation of the empowering people. Network. In accordance with our standards of transparency, this report presents an executive summary of the evaluation results and recommendations along with an introduction from the board of Siemens Stiftung.
Evaluación de la empowering people. Network - Documento de síntesis
Para conocer más sobre el impacto de nuestro trabajo y para seguir desarrollando nuestra estrategia, la fundación Siemens Stiftung inició una evaluación independiente e integral de la empowering people. Network. De acuerdo con nuestros estándares de transparencia, este informe presenta un documento de síntesis de los resultados y recomendaciones de la evaluación junto con una introducción de la junta directiva de la fundación Siemens Stiftung.
SAMforSE – A Self-Assessment Manual for Social Entrepreneurs
Or: How can you know if your company or organization is doing well and what works? This tool is designed to help identify your strengths and successes but also to highlight areas where there is room for improvement when it comes to sustaining success over time.
epAward Winners 2016
Meet the winners of the empowering people. Award and learn more about their simple, yet intelligent technological solutions to sustainably improve the lives of people in developing countries.
TRIEX – a story of sustainable entrepreneurship
The MA&A project (later renamed TRIE X Gestión de Residuos), launched in 2001, was the result of an initiative developed by Ana Luisa Arocena and Ruben Martínez, a pair of chemists concerned about the lack of proper hazardous waste management in Uruguay. The personal experiences of Ruben in the sales field and Ana in the pharmaceutical industry triggered their interest in providing a solution to the problem from an entrepreneurial point of view. Part of “Stories about us – How to tell your business narrative”, an initiative of Siemens Stiftung.
Focus on Echo Mobile
Enabling social impact through SMS. How an SMS service is enabling impact in Nairobi’s thriving social enterprise scene. Part of “Stories about us – How to tell your business narrative”, an initiative of Siemens Stiftung.
Entrepreneurial Solutions for Social Challenges in Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, and South Africa
While social entrepreneurs play an increasingly important role in driving social and economic empowerment in developing regions, practice-related academic work that supports their operations is hard to find.
Taking the Pulse of the Social Enterprise Landscape in Developing and Emerging Economies
The goal of this study is to ground the debate on the opportunities and limits of social enterprises and their ecosystem in four specific countries – Colombia, Mexico, Kenya and South Africa.
epAward Winners 2013
Find out here which intelligent solutions emerged as winners of the empowering people. Award. We present the top three winners and the 20 runners-up who impressed us with their practical inventions to empower people in developing regions to improve their living conditions.