Livox International LLC
Livox International LLC is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of those with speech and learning disabilities.
What we should know about you
Questions answered by Carlos Pereira, CEO and Founder
1. What was a turning point in your career as an entrepreneur / for you as an organization?
My daughter’s birth. Everything that I do is related to improve her life.
2. What drives you personally to keep your social business running?
Again, my daughter. I can see daily the struggles a person with a disability has to go through and this helped me to think about solutions for her condition and then, transform these solutions into algorithms.
3. Did you always want to become a social entrepreneur?
No, I never thought about becoming a social entrepreneur. I believe the biggest drive for a social entrepreneur is not money. The biggest drive should be his/her passion and I found mine.
Additional achievements
- epAward Winner 2019
- Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur
- MIT Solver
- Disabilities Challenge
- Technological Innovation with the Biggest Impact – Interamerican Development Bank (IADB)
- Zero Project Award – UN Headquarters, Vienna