Imara Tech
Imara Tech is a social business working to improve crop yields for smallholder farmers in Tanzania.
What we should know about you
Questions answered by the team at Imara Tech
1. Imagine yourself/yourselves 5 years ago in comparison to the situation you are in today. Which achievements surprise you the most?
Elliot, CEO: It might not seem like much of an achievement, but I still remember the first time someone presumed I had an MBA! I was surprised by how important that was to me, but it was a form of validation that what we were doing had matured from an idealistic dream into a serious venture. All of our business successes are doubly meaningful because they signify both our impact on the community and our growth as entrepreneurs.
2. What is your biggest success as an entrepreneur?
Alfred, COO: We started Imara Tech with little more than the ambition of creating an impact on young people and rural communities. Imara Tech already has employed a majority of youth and showed them through our work how they can employ themselves and impact the rest of the community. Together we have reached 12,000 farms and for me as an entrepreneur that is the biggest success.
3. What is the best thing about being a member of empowering people. Network?
Adriana, CTO: Support from empowering people. Network was especially welcome in the rough early days of our start-up. Tips from founders who had been in our situation, and some who still were, made our biggest obstacles a little less daunting.
Additional achievements
- epAward Winner 2016
- Alfred Chengula, COO of Imara Tech among the Builders of Africa’s Future Awardees (BAF) by African Diaspora Network (2021)