Category: epUpdate Newsletter

epUpdate July 2021

Our July empowering people. Update features a mentoring program we have set up together with our partner enpact to support young social entrepreneurs on their journey. Plus, find out how Trinysol’s solar power changes the life of Mexican farmers, how North Star Alliance is dealing with COVID-19, and check out more news worth reading from our epN members.

Dear members, partners and friends of empowering people. Network,

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey – your mission is big, but your team is small, and your budget is often low. At the same time, you constantly have to make decisions, are challenged to evolve, and have to deal with new hurdles. Being accompanied by someone who is more experienced and can look at things from another external perspective can be decisive for the growth and, ultimately, the impact of an enterprise. This is why we teamed up with enpact and brought into being epMentoring where social entrepreneurs from our network were matched with experienced mentors. Learn more about the program as well as other developments from our epNetwork members in this epUpdate.

We wish you all a person by your side that provides you with the kind of mentorship you need.

Your empowering people. Network team

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Article last edited on: July 27, 2021