
Siemens Stiftung

Kaiserstr. 16
80801 Munich
Email: info(at)
The Siemens Stiftung is a foundation under private law having legal capacity.

Board (legal representatives)

Dr. Nina Smidt (Spokesperson), Robert Balthasar

The foundation has its headquarters in Munich.

Competent supervisory authority:

Government of Upper Bavaria
Maximilianstr. 39, 80538 Munich
Telefax +49 / 89 / 21 76-29 14
Email: poststelle(at)

Responsible for content pursuant to Section 18 (2) of the Interstate Treaty on the Modernization of the Media Regulatory Framework in Germany (MStV)

Dr. Nina Smidt
Siemens Stiftung
Kaiserstr. 16
80801 Munich